
Default options for IndicatorIcon.


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Default shape for IndicatorIcon.


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fun selectedIconOptions(icon: ImageVector = Icons.Filled.CheckCircle, tint: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.primary, contentDescription: String? = "Selected", padding: Dp = 4.dp, backgroundColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.surfaceColorAtElevation(3.dp), border: Dp = 2.dp, shape: Shape = IconShape): IndicatorIconOptions

Default options for 'selected' IndicatorIcon.

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fun unselectedIconOptions(icon: ImageVector = Icons.Filled.RadioButtonUnchecked, tint: Color = Color.White.copy(alpha = 0.7f), contentDescription: String? = "Not Selected", padding: Dp = 4.dp, backgroundColor: Color? = null, border: Dp? = null, shape: Shape? = null): IndicatorIconOptions

Default options for 'unselected' IndicatorIcon.