Package-level declarations


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fun <Item> Modifier.dragSelectSemantics(dragSelectState: DragSelectState<Item>, item: Item, label: String = DEFAULT_LABEL): Modifier
fun <Item> Modifier.dragSelectSemantics(dragSelectState: DragSelectState<Item>, label: String = DEFAULT_LABEL, onLongClick: () -> Unit): Modifier
fun Modifier.dragSelectSemantics(inSelectionMode: Boolean, label: String = DEFAULT_LABEL, onLongClick: () -> Unit): Modifier

Adds a long click semantics to the modifier.

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fun <Item> Modifier.dragSelectToggleable(state: DragSelectState<Item>, item: Item, interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource? = null): Modifier

A toggleable modifier that is only enabled when DragSelectState.inSelectionMode is true.

fun Modifier.dragSelectToggleable(inSelectionMode: Boolean, selected: Boolean, interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource? = null, onToggle: (toggled: Boolean) -> Unit): Modifier

A toggleable modifier that is only enabled when inSelectionMode is true.

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fun <Item> Modifier.dragSelectToggleableItem(state: DragSelectState<Item>, item: Item, semanticsLabel: String = DEFAULT_LABEL, interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource? = null): Modifier

A convenience function for creating a Modifier that will toggle the selection state of an item in a DragSelectState. As well as add the long-click semantics to the item.