
class DragSelectState<Item>(initialSelection: List<Item>, val gridState: LazyGridState, compareSelector: (Item) -> Any, dragState: DragState)

A state object that can be hoisted to control and observe selected items.

In most cases, this will be created via rememberDragSelectState.



The type of the items in the list.


The initial selection of items.


The LazyGridState that will be used to control the items in the grid.


The current drag state.


A factory for selecting a property of Item to compare.


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constructor(gridState: LazyGridState, initialIndex: Int, initialSelection: List<Item>)

A state object that can be hoisted to control and observe selected items.

constructor(initialSelection: List<Item>, gridState: LazyGridState, compareSelector: (Item) -> Any, dragState: DragState)


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Whether or not the grid is in selection mode.

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The currently selected items.


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fun addSelected(item: Item)

Adds the provided item to the selected items.

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fun clear()

Clears the selected items.

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Disables selection mode and clear selected items.

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Enables selection mode with no items selected.

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fun isSelected(item: Item): Boolean

Whether or not the provided item is selected.

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fun removeSelected(item: Item)

Removes the provided item from the selected items.

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Toggle the selection mode.

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fun updateSelected(selected: List<Item>)

Updates the selected items.